“SiBiCos” – New Silica Biopolymer Hybridmaterials and Composites

Immobilisation of biomolecules and cells within polymer matrices has gained considerable importance in various fields of biotechnical processes. Such immobilised biomolecules are relevant in the field of red, green and white biotechnology.

The present invention relates in a first aspect to a coated polymer system comprising silica-coated polymer and functional components. Said coating of the polymer is obtained by using Si-N precursors having at least two amino groups and, in addition, coating is affected in the presence of the functional component (i.e. biomolecule). Beside the use of encapsulated functional components such as biologicals including catalytic antibodies, DNA, RNA, enzymes, antigens, life bacterial, fungal, plant and animal cells as well as whole protozoa for various uses in red and green biotechnology, bioencapsulation becomes more and more important in the field of white biotechnology. In addition, bioencapsulation may ensure sustained release as well as improved and extended activity of the encapsulated functional components. Moreover, other applications are considered in the field of optical and electrochemical technology, in diagnostic devices but also in the field of green biotechnology.

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