Opioid Receptor Antagonists for Acute Treatment of Paraphilic Arousal States


The treatment of paraphilias and related disorders has been challenging for patients and clinicians for a long time. The main problems of recent drug therapies are their occurring side effects, mostly the affection not only of the sexual but of the overall behavior of the patient. Therefore compliance and willingness to use such treatment options is really poor.</p> <strong>Technology</strong><br> The present invention provides a method for acute treatment of paraphilic sexual arousal states in patients suffering from paraphilia by administering an opioid receptor antagonist.<br> In contrast to common therapies the patient is treated with said medicament, only if he is in acute need in order to acutely diminish a paraphilic sexual arousal state. According to the present invention the opioid receptor antagonist is preferably be administered nasally. Within 5 to 10 minutes after treatment, the patient is able to control his behavior, thus avoiding any actions that may harm the patient or his environment.<br> Because the patient is only exposed to the drug if he is in acute need for it, development of side effects from known therapies is reduced. This leads to an increased compliance and willingness to accept such treatment.</p> <strong>Benefits</strong> <ul> <li>High medical and social need</li> <li>Easy production process</li> <li>Long time storable under standard conditions</li> <li>Fast onset of action after 2-3 min</li> <li>Harmless composition</li> <li>No severe side effects as with common therapies</li> <li>High patient compliance</li> </ul> <strong>IP Rights</strong><br> EP-Priority (06/2009).<br> PCT Application (06/2010).<br> <br> <strong>Origin</strong><br> The novel therapeutic approach was developed by scientists from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.</p> <p> </p>

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