Modulation of Production of Retroviruses by APOBEC4


The development of HIV-gene therapies is currently in the initial stage without any knowledge about possibilities to directly and specifically suppress the release of virus particles.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> A novel possibility has been found to modulate the release of retroviruses or viral particles thereof from cells by APOBEC4 (Apolipoprotein B mRNAediting catalytic polypeptide 4) or a modified APOBEC4. APOBEC4 is a human cellular gene belonging to the super family of RNA/DNA editing cytidine deaminases. It could be shown that the expression of the APOBEC4 protein or a modified APOBEC4 protein in a cell producing a retrovirus leads to an increased or decreased production of retroviruses or viral particles thereof from said cell. This means APOBEC4 efficiently inhibits the assembly of new virus particles and thereby prevents their release from infected cells Thus, APOBEC4 offers a new gene therapeutic approach for the inhibition of infections by HIV-1, HIV-2 or other retroviruses.</p> <p><strong><br> </strong><strong>Benefits</strong> <ul> <li>Therapeutic approach for HIV gene therapy</li> <li>APOBEC4 is a protein produced naturally in the body, which significantly decreases the possibility of immunoreactions</li> <li>HIV could so far not create a strategy to overcome the antiviral activity of APOBEC4</li> <li>Gene expression of APOBEC4 in T-cells prevents the release of HIV virus particles from these</li> <li>Identifying the mode of action of APOBEC4 may lead to the discovery/production of biological or chemical active agents using the same mechanism to prevent the reproduction of viruses</li> </ul><br> </strong><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> European Patent Applic. (06/2007) PCT Application (06/2008) <br> <strong><br> Origin</strong><br> The invention was made at the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Langen, Germany</p>

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