Indexed Reversible Transformation (IRT) – Direct editing of compressed data

Many modern computer applications use data compression methods like bzip2 or gzip. Those algorithms do not allow the processing of data in its compressed form, which means that editing always requires a decompression-editing-compression cycle. The Invention of IRT offers a method that makes it possible to directly edit or search within the compressed data.

The IRT method in principle is a further development of the well known Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation (BWT). The main idea of IRT is to use a sorting within BWT that preserves word order, and thereby enables fast operations within the compressed text. Commercial Opportunities: Major IT trends of the present like cloud computing and social networking depend on mobile devices and involve the permanent sending and receiving of increasing amounts of data. To reduce that traffic and thereby make the communication faster and cheaper, the transferred data can be compressed. IRT offers the opportunity to reduce both the data traffic and the workload for a processor, which means to save time and energy. This at the same time increases the performance of the running application and of the whole mobile device. IRT delivers high compression rates and allows faster operation, since the compressed data does not have to be decompressed for the required process (see figs. 1 and 2). The opportunities of IRT are manifold. It not only works on text but improves the compression of any XML-based data, which is widely used today. Applications like the following can be improved with IRT: web browsers, social media, office tools, RSS-feeds, e-book readers, financial transactions based on SEPA, maps and navigation, as well as in-memory-database systems. The IRT technology is an advantage for hosts and providers as well as for end users and can easily be integrated in existing solutions like operating systems for smart phones and computers.

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