KeyNeurotek AG complements TELOMICS™ in-vivo models and introduces MRI imaging technology

KeyNeurotek AG, a drug development company focusing on neurological diseases, announced that it could further broaden the range of complementary ex-vivo and in-vivo TELOMICS™ models for the testing of neuroprotective compounds.

In addition to its standard stroke models endothelial-induced middle cerebral artery occlusion (eMCAO) for focal ischemia and 4-vessel-occlusion for global ischemia a model for hemorrhagic stroke and LPS-induced cerebral inflammation are now available for KeyNeurotek’s own R&D programmes and collaboration projects. For research in the field of neurodegeneration KeyNeurotek added Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease to its model spectrum. Furthermore, the company offers MRI/MRS imaging as a non-invasive method for investigating disease pathologies and drug effects in living animals.

Dr. Frank Striggow, Chief Executive Officer of KeyNeurotek, said: “MR Imaging is one of the key technologies in CNS drug development. It will improve the predictive value of animal experiments, because drug effects can be studied with the same method in animal models and in patients in the clinic.”

For further information please contact:

Dr. Frank Striggow, CEO
KeyNeurotek AG, Leipziger Strasse 44 / ZENIT-Technology Park, 39120 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (0)391 / 6117220, Fax: +49 (0)391 / 6117221

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