Commission Launches on CORDIS New Service to Raise the Profile of IST Research

The European Commission has launched a new online service designed to highlight the results of EU funded research into information society technologies (IST).

IST Results is a web based news service reporting on the outcomes and potential applications of research projects carried out under the IST section of the Community research framework programmes.

The site combines latest news, in-depth feature articles and a fortnightly e-bulletin. These services are geared towards researchers, investors, technology transfer experts and support organisations from across Europe. A dedicated virtual press desk offers media the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest developments.

The Commission’s IST programme covers converging information processing, communications and media technologies and their applications in areas such as e-commerce, education, intelligent transport and knowledge management. The underlying goal of the programme is the improvement of citizens’ lives, both at home and in the workplace.

Market research, however, suggests that many companies and investors experience difficulties when trying to find out about the results of EU funded research, particularly if they themselves are unaware of how such projects are run.

IST Results will ensure that Commission funded innovations are reported as soon as they occur and are made more easily accessible to a wider range of technology users.

The IST Results service is available at

It is now integrated into the IST Web on CORDIS , which is the central resource for information on the IST research programme, providing users with interactive features to access the EU’s 3.6 billion Euro funding for IST research, follow the implementation of selected projects and interact with stakeholders. CORDIS is the European Commission’s research and innovation portal, supporting the exploitation of European research results and enhancing the competitiveness of European companies.

For more information on CORDIS:

Virginia Mercouri

CORDIS contractor press contact
tel.: + 32 2 238 17 36
fax: + 32 2 238 17 98
40 Rue Montoyer
1000 Brussels

Media Contact

Virginia Mercouri CORDIS

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