Over 100,000 contracts traded on Eurex US for the first time

Trading volume on Eurex US, the fully-electronic U.S. futures and options exchange, surpassed 100,000 contracts for the first time on Friday. Total trading volume in U.S. Treasury products set a new record of 107,510 contracts on November 19, capping off the strongest trading week ever on the exchange, with 356,422 contracts traded. The previous single-day record, set on October 27, was 79,175 contracts. Trading volume in the 10-year U.S. Treasury Note also set a new record of 62,886 contracts.

„This volume record demonstrates the increasing liquidity on Eurex and the resilience of this liquidity in times of high volatility,“ said Satish Nandapurkar, CEO of Eurex US. „Furthermore, our European customers are increasingly coming on board – currently accounting for over ten percent of Eurex US volume. The Global Clearing Link is also stimulating trading volumes on Eurex US, by allowing for margin offsets between USD and EUR benchmark fixed-income products.“

Eurex US opened its market for trading on February 8, 2004 and currently lists futures and options on 2-, 5- and 10-year Treasury notes and on 30-year Treasury bonds. With the introduction of phase two of the Global Clearing Link, Eurex US will expand its offering to include futures and options on Euro-denominated interest rate and index products. These products will include benchmark European products such as the fixed income product suite Bund, Bobl and Schatz as well as products on the leading European indices DAX and DJ Euro STOXX 50.

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Deutsche Boerse

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