Rapid Prototyping in Regenerative Medicine at the 4th Fraunhofer Life Science Symposium

This year the Fraunhofer Life Science Symposium takes place in the framework of the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine (WRM). The synergy between rapid prototyping and regenerative medicine offers mutually beneficially points of contact for each research area.

Experts from rapid prototyping provide innovative scaffolds and materials for medical use that can be colonized with specific cells. This provides the basis for new technologies and therapies.

The host of the event, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, this year is supported by the Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing Alliance as well as by the Central Germany Rapid Prototyping Network, „enficos“.

Two renowned researchers have confirmed their participation in the scientific program: Minna Kellomäki from the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Finnish Tampere University of Technology is an expert in the development of biodegradable materials and tissue engineering implants. Lorenzo Moroni from the Department of Tissue Regeneration of the University of Twente, Netherlands will give a lecture about the design of rapid prototyped smart scaffolds in regenerative medicine.

Submission of abstracts is possible until July 15, 2009 on http://www.fs-leipzig.com. For further information regarding the 4th FLS please visit our homepage http://www.fs-leipzig.com.

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