International conference “Development, Poverty and Global Crises: Reinforcing Governance”

This meeting will examine poverty and development within the framework of recent global crises and governance in specific subject areas, such as Fragility, Development and the Quality of Democracy in Cross-Border Regions; Informal Powers, Citizenship and Poverty; Public Health and Welfare Policies; Global Environmental Crisis and Governance Facing Vulnerability, Risk and Disasters.

The opening ceremony on Nov. 10 will include the presentation of the consortium’s new journal Regions & Cohesion, which is Luxembourg’s first international peer-reviewed scientific journal.

The three day conference will focus on crucial social issues such as leadership, governance and power within the context of social cohesion in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. The format of the conference will promote open discussion on these vital issues where panel speakers and guests will be welcome to articulate their views on present situations and future perspectives.

Each panel is topically defined and includes four paper presentations and a chair/discussant in order to promote comparative debate. The keynote panels will comparatively analyze the connections between fragility, development, and vulnerability and their impacts on social cohesion on different continents. The papers presented in the keynote panels will be published in 2011 in the book series entitled Regional Integration and Social Cohesion (Bruxelles: P.I.E./Peter Lang).

This international conference will include than 50 participants from 23 countries located in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Presentations will be made in French, English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

The RISC Consortium, which includes 17 member institutes on four continents, is based in the Laboratoire de Sciences Politiques at the University of Luxembourg. Its Executive Director is Dr. Carmen Maganda and its President is Dr. Harlan Koff, both of the University of Luxembourg. Dr. Maganda and Dr. Koff are also the co-editors of Regions & Cohesion which is also based in the Laboratoire de Sciences Politiques.

Registration for the conference is obligatory because space is limited. For registration, general questions about this conference or more detailed information, please contact or visit (352) 466-644-9572 or e-mail

Media Contact

Britta Schlüter idw

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