Solar energy supply System for small, mobile devices.

The increasing number of mobile battery-powered small appliances with different feed voltages and connecting devices is calling for a universal and compact energy supply apparatus which provides for an uncomplicated and at the same time cost-efficient adjustability to as many small appliances as possible. In particular, an independence of mains supply is needed. This early patent portfolio comprises several intellectual property rights regarding a power supply system that fulfills the needs mentioned above. It consist of eight patent families whose priority applications (mainly German applications) have already been widely granted. The portfolio supports a wide range of applications such as kitchen equipment, mobile phones, and PDAs. It enables recharging and / or operating of the mentioned small electronic devices without any net feeding. This is realized by integrated solar modules converting solar energy into electric energy. This energy can be used either to directly operate the device or to recharge the batteries, especially nickel-cadmium batteries.

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