Novel Screening Method for Agents suitable for Therapy of Alzheimer´s Disease


We offer a screening method that allows the detection of novel drug candidates for the prophylaxis and causative therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease.<br><br> <!–break–>The identified drugs influence the substrat-enzyme interaction between amyloid precursor protein (APP) and gamma-secretase in a way that less Amyloid-β-peptide (Aβ42) is produced. Furthermore they have the ability to bind selectively and with high affinity the APP-GxxxG-motif and can pass the blood-brain barrier. It was shown that a drug capable of binding the APP GxxxG motif is weakening or inhibiting the dimerization of the APP trans-membrane sequence, leading to a decreased generation of Aβ42.<br> <br> <b>Benefits:</b><br> <ul> <li>Reliable, rapid, and easy screening assay for the identification of novel drug candidates</li> <li>Applicable to blood samples</li> </ul><br><br> <strong>IP Rights</strong><br> EP patent application was filed in November 2007.<br> PCT patent application was filed in November 2008.<br> US application was filed in April 2010.<br> <br> <strong>Origin</strong><br> Freie Universiät Berlin</p>

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