Fast prognostic test kit for bone regeneration after fracture


Every second woman and eighth man over age of 50 suffers from bone fracture or defect. 20% of the patients face a serious delay in healing or even complications after the surgery. In most cases the reason for complications is a low level of endogenous growth factors necessary to induce the healing process. In case of complications the wound has to be opened again to apply the treatment.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> To avoid the painful and expensive re-opening of the wound and a delayed treatment after bone fracture a new test kit was developed to facilitate the prognosis of possible healing problems in a patient. The prognostic test can easily be performed in a time frame of max. 60 minutes during the first surgery. The new test kit allows the sampling direct from the fracture environment and application on the array containing the diagnostic parameters. The test relates to the amount of growth factors present shortly after bone fracture and allows a prognosis for a disposition for complications in a patient. The prognostic test is constructed as a point-of care tool that is easy to handle, robust and cheap but delivers reliable results.<br><br> <b>Benefits:</b><ul> <li> Point-of-care test kit</li> <li>Test allows prognosis on healing process in the emergency case (first surgery)</li> <li>Fast, robust and cheap test kit</li> <li>Easy to handle, sampling and prognostic test is combined in one tool, no transfer needed of the sample to an array</li></ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> European Patent Applic. (06/2009)<br> PCT Application (08/2010) <br><br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

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