Cordless electric screwdriver wearable on the hand

The invention here presented is a cordless electric screwdriver wearable on the hand. The flexible shaft runs over the back of the hand transferring the torque effectively to the screwdriver tip which can be precisely addressed with the index finger. The entire compressive force required at the bit is transferred across the guiding structure into the frame of the screwdriver mounted at the hand. The human finger does not to bring up the compressive force since the structure can be locked in the working position. The handle offers a comfortable grip and an easy access to the power-switch on the side with the thumb. The device is easy to handle, comfortable to be worn through the supplied glove and can be used for long working sessions without strain on the wrist. It has an optimal distribution of the weight due to the flexible shaft running over the back of the hand. An additional switch inverts the rotation direction to unscrew the screws. The ergonomic shape of the flexible electric screwdriver simplifies inserting and removing screws in many working positions and can also be used for drilling. A fully working prototype of the flexible screwdriver has been tested and a patent application has been filed in Germany. On behalf of the RWTH University, PROvendis is seeking a partner for further development in view of licensing the technology.

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PROvendis GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0)208/94105 10

Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Schillert

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