CHK1- & CHK2-SNPs – Functional genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human CHK1- and CHK2- gene for numerous pharmacogenetic appl

Enclosed are new, functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in regulatory sequences of the human checkpoint-kinase-1 & 2 (CHK1 & CHK2) genes, which play a central role in the control of the cell cycle arrest. Distinct genotypes of these SNPs determine the tissue expression of CHK1/2 and influence the risk for different cancer entities, the progression thereof and the effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies.

Commercial Opportunities CHK1- and CHK2-SNPs have been well validated. Genotyping of these SNPs will allow identifying responders and non-responders under therapy with CHK-inhibitors and other anti-cancer drugs. Besides the pre-estimation of the efficacy of pharmacological therapies, dose adjustments of non-pharmacological therapies like irradiation should be possible. Genetic association studies have clearly demonstrated significant effects of CHK1- and CHK2-SNPs upon the outcome in different haematological and solid cancers. For example, excellent correlations with the progression of CLL, bladder, colorectal carcinoma and glioblastoma have been observed. The prognostic value will also be given for other cancer entities. Since the biological function of the CHK1 and CHK2 are well known and characterized, corresponding diagnostic tests will be widely accepted.

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