Chip Card with LCD Display

This IP opportunity targets the chip card market with an early patent and addresses information- as well as security advantages for the issuer and user. Basically, the invention generically proposes to introduce a monitor („LCD or such“) on the chip card displaying specific and actualized information regarding the status of the chip card and/or past transactions. The patent could be interesting either for producers or issuers of chip cards or for an IP-company focussing on enforced licensing to a number of commercial users (producers. issuers, users). The patent describes a chip card (e.g. credit card etc.) comprising not only a memory or processor chip, as known today, but containing an additional mirror memory to which any new internal stored data are transferred by an external read or write device whenever the chip on the card carries out an operation. Defined information from the mirror memory can then be displayed by a small LCD display (or such) on the card (including a solar cell and battery for the necessary electric voltage) without the usage of an external read/write device.

Weitere Informationen: PDF

PVA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern AG
Tel.: +49 (0)381/49 74 74 0

Moritz v. GrotthussDr. Rüdiger Werp

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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