BioNanoImplant – Optimized Osseointegration with bio-nanocoating

Medical implants are widely being used in orthopaedics and in modern dentistry. While significant progress has been made to improve the production of implants using the most advanced materials and technologies, there is still need for additional strategies to improve and accelerate osseointegration. The improper integration of the implant material in the living bone can impair the healing process and limit the freedom of movement thereby rendering the implant useless.

The invention provides a multilayer bio-nanocoating to improve significantly the adhesion of osteoblasts to the implant, which is shown in Fig.2. The applied bio-nano-coating is tightly connected to the implant and at the same time ensures flexibility of the molecular layers. Further the bio-nano-coating enables the native conformation of embedded molecules, e.g. of fibronectin. Data from animal models are available for dental applications. In summary, the invention comprises medicinal implants with biofunctional coating, which will greatly reduce the incidence of periimplantitis and other complications related to the insufficient adhesion of the tissue to the implant.

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