Sicherheitsbriefumschläge mit RFID-Chips

The RFID-Technology (radio frequency identification) gets increasing importance, with high potentials in logistics.Up to now bar-code systems are used for automatic distribution, but they cannot provide any integrity control of shipment. The invention allows tracking and tracing as well as integrity check over the complete logistics chain. This is of significant importance especially in nowadays common international logistics with numerous participants and subcontractors.Opening or demolition of a container or envelope is traceable at any time, because it is equipped with a RFID system that provides an automatic check whether the container or envelope has been opened unauthorisedly. This information can be read at all logistics nodes and transferred in the corresponding information system. Of course all common and necessary logistic information is treated as well. The system offers a simple, cheap and efficient method to guarantee the integrity of security relevant logistic objects. This may be shipments of valuable products or high security documents like contracts or money.

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Ursula Haufe

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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