Artificial Tears – Novel synthetic tear fluid on a lipid basis

Physiologically, the tear film lubricating the eye is composed of three layers: the mucus layer, the aqueous layer and the lipid layer. Conjunctival goblet cells secrete the hydratable mucus layer, the aqueous tears spread over the mucus layer and Meibomian oil covers the aqueous surface.

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also called dry eye syndrome (DES), is an inadequate lubrication of the eye. This is caused by qualitative or quantitative deficiencies in at least one of the three layers of the tear film. The invention discloses a synthetic tear fluid comprising of glycerophospholipids, cholesterol, gangliosid and sphingolipids. It yields an aqueous, lipid-containing suspension spreading over the cornea’s surface as a monolayer and reducing tear film evaporation.

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