Analysis of Molecules Confined by Graphenes


Few methods are able to analyze single molecules. Analysis problems occur due to the instability of thin molecular layers and especially single molecules with respect to their thermal-, chemical- and photo-degradation or to external mechanical fields caused scanning probe techniques. A disadvantage of Raman scattering methods is the large amount of heat produced by the focused plasmons localized at the active site, which can cause damage of the molecules. Graphene exhibits plasmon resonance in the ultraviolet and blue spectral region and thus can enhance Raman signals. Graphene is a monoatomically thick and flexible layer, which provides thermal and electrical conductivity as well as high optical transparency and impermeability to gases and liquids. Thus graphene can act as protective layer against local heating.<br><br> <!–break–><strong>Technology</strong><br> This novel method allows the analysis of substances in very small quantities, even single molecules, with common techniques. The substances to be analyzed are covered with a graphene layer. <br> <br> <strong>Benefits</strong><br> <ul> <li>Precise profiling with protective graphene layer</li> <li>Profiling analysis of single molecules, soft and instable molecules, DNA, thin layers and self-assembled monolayers (SAMS)</li> <li>Protection and conservation of molecules from interaction with atmospheric oxygen</li> </li> </ul><br> <strong>IP Rights</strong><br> US patent application (03/2011)<br> PCT application <br> <br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany<br> PlasmaChem GmbH, Germany</p>

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